All levels are welcome for this whole body workout class, however, prior movement experience is recommended. Exercises focus on core strength, muscle toning and flexibility. This class is designed to work with clients at multiple levels allowing individuals to stick with exercises suited for their abilities.

Free weights, circles, Swiss balls, rollers and other props are often incorporated into the workout to keep it varied and challenge your body.



Waiheke Pilates Centre - classes icon

A dynamic, ballet inspired, full body workout that tones, lengthens and strengthens. Move your body in time to an upbeat playlist and feel the burn! With modifications and advancements there is a place for every BODY at the barre!

Paddle Board Pilates

Waiheke Pilates Centre - welcome pose

Held during the summer months every Saturday from 9am-10:30am. Location will be emailed 24-hours in advance once you have booked. If you need a paddle board, let us know and we can help arrange a rental for you. Another way to challenge yourself while having fun!

Virtual Classes

Waiheke Pilates Centre - story icon

Mat classes are recorded live from the studio so that you can enjoy our classes from anywhere in the world even from the comfort of your own living room.

If you have never practiced Pilates, please register in our Intro to Pilates Workshop or schedule a 1:1 prior to attending this class.

Mat class passes

Experience it for yourself
  • Casual $28
  • 4-Pack $100

    Save $12

  • 6-Pack $120

    Save $48

These passes include Pilates Mat, Barre, Paddle Board and Live-Stream classes.

Passes valid for 6 weeks.

Bookings are essential.

You may be refused service if you show up to the centre without a booking as space is limited. Payment in advance is required to secure your booking for all of our services.

To schedule classes and workshops, please select the BOOK button listed throughout the website. You will then need to select the class and/or workshop and register an account to secure your booking.

To schedule a private or semi-private session, please email us at [email protected] or call the centre at 022 186 0181.

What they've
been saying

Experience it for yourself

Contact Us

Waiheke Pilates Centre

21F Belgium Street, Ostend, Waiheke Island

Tel: 022 1860181

Email: [email protected]


My On Demand video Series